29/03/2018 Brussels TV Interview at Euractiv 'Over a coffee' Social Pillar, digital revolution, new Portuguese Eurogroup President Mário Centeno, Eurozone reform...and more
22/03/2018 Brussels It is urgent to move forward with the reform of the Eurozone! Interview for Público newspaper on the March EU Summit and the Eurozone reform
20/03/2018 Brussels Roadmap for the #FutureofEurope: Economic and Social Policies for Young People Event organised by European Parliament Research Service
15/03/2018 Strasbourg Summary of March EP Plenary Future of Europe with Antonio Costa, Brexit, Trade War, Syria...
14/03/2018 Strasbourg Debate with Portuguese Prime Minister at the EP Plenary on the future of Europe Portuguese socialist government led by Antonio Costa has proven that there is an alternative to blind austerity
13/03/2018 Strasbourg EU countries must be bold on tax justice Speech at EP Plenary debate on the March EU Summit (EU long-term budget, taxation...)
13/03/2018 Strasbourg S&D demands full access to social protection for all Reaction on the European Commission’s Package for Social Fairness proposal
10/03/2018 Budapest Celebration of International Women's Day in Budapest Economic independence is key to break the cycle of violence vs women
09/03/2018 Strasbourg Looking forward the debate with Prime Minister Antonio Costa! Costa will come with a bold and progressive vision for Europe, the need of a strong MFF and the reform of the Eurozone
04/03/2018 Brussels PS (Parti Socialiste) Europe Congress We must change social policies but also economic policies!