26/03/2016 Brussels Another Europe is needed to fight populisms MJR debated on FRANCE24 TV show “Talking Europe” about increasing political instability in Europe, notably in Portugal
16/03/2016 Brussels A safe and humane external border: Europe can manage MJR wrote for EurActiv, asking whether Turkey should be asked to control Europe’s external border
09/03/2016 Strasbourg EU at risk of political & moral failure MJR intervened in plenary to call for more ambitious solutions after the EU-Turkey Summit of the 7 March 2016
09/03/2016 Strasbourg MJR talks to the Swedish Primer Minister Sweden gives us a positive example on how to integrate refugees: a human solution to the crisis exists
08/03/2016 Estrasburgo Humanising EU management of refugees MJR intervened in the plenary debate about the implementation of the European agenda on migration
08/03/2016 Lisbon Sistemas de fronteiras do século XXI Entrevista de Maria João Rodrigues ao DN sobre conceito inovador de fronteira
07/03/2016 Brussels My report aims at more social cohesion It requires stronger economic recovery through stronger domestic demand and investment
05/03/2016 Lisbon Artigo no Jornal Expresso MJR publica artigo de opinião sobre a mudança na política económica possibilitada pela aprovação do seu relatório
04/03/2016 Lisbon MJR debate "semestre europeu" em Lisboa Maria João Rodrigues participa esta sexta-feira num debate sobre o Semestre Europeu (FNAC do Chiado, a partir das 18h30)
04/03/2016 Lisbon Grande entrevista no jornal i Maria João Rodrigues fala sobre as grandes prioridades da UE