26/06/2015 Brussels Juncker fund for increased employment Maria João Rodrigues wants "Juncker Fund" at the service of job creation
26/06/2015 A strong and fair deal for Greece MJR raises her voice during the plenary debate on Greece situation and Euro summit
24/06/2015 Brussels Overcoming Eurozone divergences Plenary debate on the review of the EU economic governance framework
24/06/2015 Brussels European Investment Plan must focus on creating quality jobs MJR raising citizens' concerns to Commission Vice-President Katainen on the orientation of EU investment
19/06/2015 Luxembourg "New Start for Social Europe" Maria João Rodrigues speaks at the Conference "New Start for Social Europe"
12/06/2015 Budapest "Challenges for Social Democracy" S&D seminar "Challenges for Social Democracy in the 21st century"