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The EU member states have adopted a general position on three files which are essential to make the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality:

1) Work life balance,

2) Transparent and predicable working conditions,

3) and the coordination of social security systems

We welcome this important step, this means that negotiations can start as soon as the Parliament adopts its position. I am happy to see that we’re moving forward towards to a more social Europe.

However, we regret the low level of ambition of some member states.

For example, regarding the work life balance directive, it is disappointing that the Council has weakened the proposal by not including some key elements. As it is now, the proposal does not include strong incentives to encourage men to be more involved in caring and improve women’s participation in the labour market.

Regarding the transparent and predictable working conditions, the proposal includes new rights BUT the problem is that not all workers are entitled to those rights and the most vulnerable ones may be still at risk.

These and other important elements should be restored during the negotiations in order to bring meaningful changes in the life of Europeans.

Yes, we’re making some progress, but it is not enough.

Let’s remind member states that they must deliver on their commitments adopted during the Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights last November in Gothenburg. It’s fundamental that we reach an agreement before the next European elections.

There is no more time to waste.