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The Foundation for European Progressive  Studies (FEPS) celebrated its 10th anniversary on Monday 29th January.

Commission’s First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, opened the festivities with an optimistic view of how progressive could make the difference and gain stronger support. Maria Joao Rodrigues, President of FEPS and Vice President of the S&D Group in the EP, affirmed her own determination, as well as the determination of the progressive political family, to set a fair agenda for all Europeans in facing globalisation and the digital industrial revolution. She was followed by Sergei Stanishev, President of PES, who brought in his thoughts on the common potential

At the opportunity of anniversary festivities, FEPS presented the result of their study that focuses on the future of the EU as well as on the future of our planet. The 15th point plan is a result of the work led by Pascal Lamy and sets new direction and agenda for FEPS for upcoming years.

Check the pictures of the event

Speech of FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues